抚远江段的黑龙江野鲤产卵时间为 5月下旬水温上升到 16~ 17℃后的 2~ 3d ,水温迅速上升是产卵的刺激信号。在低温 (11~ 15℃ )环境中进行人工催产 ,保持水温稳定或上升 ,催产率与 18~ 2 0℃水温时相近。在 16~ 2 0℃环境中进行人工催产 ,水温下降超过 3℃ ,催产率接近 0。捕获的亲鱼分别在 10~ 11℃、14~ 15℃、17~ 18℃水温环境中雌雄分离蓄养 7~ 30d后进行人工催产 ,蓄养时间越长 ,温度越高 ,雌鱼的催产率越低 ,雄鱼则无明显影响。黑龙江野鲤襄胚原肠期胚胎在 10℃、孵出期胚胎在 14℃时发育停滞。神经胚期胚胎在12℃时死亡率超过 6 0 %;仔鱼期幼鱼在 9℃死亡率达 80 %。
The spawning time of Carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) at Fuyuan section of Amur river is in May (From 1998 to 2001) and the spawning time in the first time is 2-3 days after the water temperature has risen to 16-17℃. The fast increasing water temperature is a signal to stimulate the carp to spawn. When induced ovulation is conducted under low temperature (11-15℃) environment, if water temperature is kept stable or increasing, the rate of induced ovulation is near to that when the temperature is 18-20℃. When induced ovulation is conducted under normal temperature (16-20℃)environment, if water temperature is decreased by more than 3℃, the rate of induced ovulation is 0-20%. The female fish are fed separately with the male fish under the conditions with water temperature 10-11℃, 14-15℃ and 17-18℃, after 7-30 days, and the rate of induced ovulation is affected by the water temperature and feeding time. The higher the temperature, the longer the feeding time, the lower the rate of induced ovulation becomes. The embryo in Blastula-Gastrula stage of Carp stops growing when the water temperature is 10℃; the embryo in Hatching stage stops growing when the water temperature is 14℃. When the water temperature is 12℃, the mortality of embryo in Neural Plate stage is over 60%. The mortality of Yolk Fry stage reaches 80%, when the water temperature is 9℃.
Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University
农业部北方鱼类生物工程重点开放实验室基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1-0 5 )
Cyprinus carpio haematopterus
water temperature variation