采集 6头西门塔尔成年公牛精液 ,用姬姆萨染色法测定精子的顶体完整率和畸形率 ,在37± 1℃下 ,用常规方法测精子存活时间。结果表明 ,精子顶体完整率在不同介质中差异不显著 ,畸形率在VB12 溶液中显著低于解冻液 ;精子存活时间在稀释液和解冻液中显著高于VB12 溶液。不同个体牛在三种介质中的反应亦有一定差异。
Semen was collected from 6 matuve simmental bulls and three ejaculates from each bull were usde in the experiments.The effects of different media (Semen entender thawing solution and VB 12 )on acrosome integrity abnormality and survival time of sperm were evaluated by means of sperm penetration test and Giemsa staining.The resalt indicates that the difference in spermacrosomal integrity was not significant in diffevent media.Abnor-rnality of sperm was significantly lower than in the thawing solution.The survival time was significantly longer in the extender and thrawing solution than in VB 12 ,Sperm from different bulls were also different in veaction to diffevent media.
Journal of Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities