对稻水蝇生物学特性进行研究表明 ,该虫成虫多食性 ,两性生殖 ,雌雄性比为 1,具较强趋光性 ,羽化高峰在每天 7∶30~ 10∶0 0之间 ,羽化过程平均 7 2分钟。各代成虫羽化 1 5~ 3小时后即行交尾 ,一天内集中出现 2次高峰 ,一生交尾平均 6 37次。雌虫交尾 1~ 2天后即产卵 ,田间多产在稻田边埂处漂浮物上 ,亦产于稻株近水面叶鞘、叶片及茎秆部位。产卵对稻株叶色无明显趋性。产卵一天内出现 2次高峰。雌虫一生产卵 74~ 153粒 ,多在 12 0粒左右 ,产卵后 5~ 14天内死亡 ,卵量 (x ,粒 )与寿命 ( y ,天 )间具以下线形关系 :y =- 0 1195x +2 2 52 2 6(r =0 9897 )。幼虫四龄 ,水生 ,喜盐碱。孵出过程平均 10分钟。孵出后即下潜蛀入萌发稻种内取食 ,二龄后叮咬水稻幼根 ,亦见咬食水稻叶片。老熟幼虫以第 9~
The rice ephydrid ( Ephydra macellaria Egger) has become one of the most injurious insects of rice in the eastern regions of Inner Monglia since late 1990’s.This article was mainly concerned with the bionomics.The results were as the following: There were amphigony and phototaxis of adults and the sex ratio of adults was about 1:1. The entire emergence,copulation and ovipostion of the adults took place in daytime.Of each generation,most of the eggs were laid singly on the surface of float objects on the paddyfield water,74~153 granules per female.The relationship between the longevity of adults females(y) and the quantity of eggs (x) fit the following equation:y=-0.1195x+22.5226,(r=9897 ). The larvae lived in water,biting and snipping rice roots,which induced rice to float out of bed soils and even to death.The experimental results showed that the mean grain yield of rice decreased and the blighted grain rice increased.
Journal of Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities
Rice ephydrid
Ephydra macellaria Egger