在主要WTO成员不愿主动减少农业保护的背景下 ,如何完善我国粮食主产区的农业保护政策 ,实现既保护粮食综合生产能力、确保粮食安全 ,又保护主产区农民的就业与收入 ,是政府当前一项十分紧迫而又艰巨的任务。加入WTO后 ,我国对粮食主产区除了继续执行保护价收购、增加农业基础设施、灾后农业税减免及其他保护政策外 ,又推出了农产品良种推广补贴、关税配额调控和转基因管理等新的保护措施 ,起到了明显的效果 ,在一定程度上稳定了粮食主产区的农业生产 ,保护了农民利益。但是 ,我国的农业保护仍然存在方式不当、力度不够、结构不合理、重点不突出等问题 ,抑制了农业竞争力的提升。为此 ,建议通过改革农业保护方式 ,加大保护力度 ,调整支持结构 ,突出支持重点等措施 ,进一步完善我国粮食主产区农业保护政策。
It is an urgent and hard task for the government to modify agri-protection policies in grain production regions to protect the grain production capacity to achieve grain security and increase farmers’ income and employment. After the WTO entry, apart from the continual protection policies such as price protection, increase in infrastructure investment and tax reduction, Chinese government executes other new protection policies, e.g. subsidy to the promotion of grain seeds in high quality and tariff quota regulation. These policies have exerted positive impacts on grain production and farmers’ income. But there still exist problems in the current agri-protection policies. These include inappropriate protection patterns, insufficient amount of financial support, irrational support structure and lack of concentration, and as result restrain competitiveness of agri-production. Therefore, we suggest to improve the protection policies in grain production regions by reforming protection patterns, increasing financial support, adjusting protection structure and stressing concentrations.
China Rural Survey
国家发展改革委员会宏观经济研究院 2 0 0 3年度重点课题<利用世贸规则加强农业保护的政策体系研究>