随着“三农”问题的不断出现 ,农村稳定问题渐渐浮出水面。究竟是什么因素影响着农村稳定 ?应该看到 ,影响农村稳定的因素是多方面的 ,包括社会的、经济的和政治的以及多种因素的综合 ,但笔者认为 ,归根结底是政治的。笔者对赣西东边村个案的研究表明 ,农民的相对剥夺感与对党和政府的期望值与信任度等要素共同构成了农村稳定的政治基础。
With a large number of rural problems emerging constantly, the situation of social stability in rural China has come to trouble us. What on earth influences the rural stability? Maybe the answer is that it's the result of synthesizing social, economic, political and other factors. But in my opinion, it is, in the final analysis, the political factor that results in the problem of the rural stability. A case-study of Dongbian Village in the West of Jiangxi Province fully proves this point, and also indicates that social stability in rural China is based on the villagers' sense of being deprived relatively, their expects and confidence to the Party and the Government, etc.
China Rural Survey
中国发展研究基金会项目<近 2 0年我国农村稳定格局的变迁>研究成果之一