

The Review on the Absorptive Capacity in Enterprise
摘要 企业"知识吸收能力"作为外部知识与知识创新间的中介,是企业获取、消化、转化和应用外部知识并最终实现知识产出和商业产出的必备能力。企业"知识吸收能力"经过知识吸收能力模型、吸收能力和知识环境"共同演化"模型、"动态能力"模型和"组织学习"模型等阶段的不断演化,形成了较为完备的分析框架。 As the medium of external knowledge and knowledge innovation,the knowledge absorptive capacity in enterprise is an essential ability,which the enterprises acquire,digest,transform and apply the external knowledge,and get knowledge output and commercial output finally.The knowledge absorptive capacity in the enterprise has formed a complete analytical frame evolved through some models such as Absorptive Capacity Model,Coevolution of Firm Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Environment Model,Dynamic Capability Model and Organizational Learning Model.
作者 黄康胜 邵凯
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2011年第4期15-20,共6页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
基金 2010年中南财经政法大学“研究生创新教育计划”硕士生实践创新课题:高新企业技术吸收能力对竞争力影响的理论和实证分析——以武汉东湖高新开发区为例(项目编号:2010S1010)
关键词 知识吸收能力 先验知识 知识创新 The Absorptive Capacity Prior Knowledge Knowledge Innovation
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