本文描述了来自粵北山区白额山鹧鸪(Arborophila gingica)体内一种罕见的疟原虫。经反复的观察,最终鉴定为冈德氏疟原虫。该虫隶属于齐奥虫亚属(Giovannolaia)。
This paper deals with a new record of malaria parasite in the blood of a Rickett’s Hill partridge (Arborophila gingica) in Guangdong province, in China. P. gundersi is rather rare in the world. The species was thought to be confined only to Africa, but since it’s discovery by the authors in the south China, such a prediction does not seem to be true. The duration of the schizogony cycle of P. gundersi appears to be 24 hours. The youngest form are composed chiefly of chromatin, and it can be found in anywhere of the erythrocyte, but the later stages locates at one pole or another. Six to fourteen merozoites are produced in a mature schizont. The number of the black pigment granules are 2 to 5, while the pigment is concentracted into a clump of granules at one pole of the parasite. Both micro-and macrogametocytes are slightly elongated. The incubation period of the parasite transfered from infected host to a canary by passage is 17 days, and it is also very lethal to the bird.
Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University