
探讨C反应蛋白在慢支炎、哮喘、肺癌中变化 被引量:7

The Study of C-Reactive Protein Changes in Patients with Chronic Bronchitis,Lung Cancer and Asthma
摘要 目的 探讨C反应蛋白 (CRP)在慢性支气管炎急性期 (慢支炎急性期 )、慢支炎临床控制 (临床控制 )、肺癌、支气管哮喘缓解期 (哮喘缓解期 )的变化意义。方法 对 4 8例慢支炎急性期 ,30例临床控制期 ,5例哮喘缓解期 ,11例肺癌患者及 2 9例对照组进行血清CRP值的定量测定。结果 慢支炎急性期与临床控制 ,慢支炎急性期与对照组的CRP水平比较明显增高 ,有较为明显的统计学意义 (P <0 0 1) ,慢支炎急性期与哮喘缓解期的CRP水平比较有升高 ,有统计学意义 (P<0 0 5 )。余下慢支炎急性期与肺癌、临床控制与哮喘、临床控制与肺癌、临床控制与对照、哮喘缓解期与肺癌、哮喘缓解期与对照、肺癌与对照的CRP比较没有统计学的意义 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 CRP在慢支炎急性期中水平明显增高 ,提示与肺部感染有关 ,也是判断疗效指标之一。 Objective To evaluate meanings of CPR changes in patients with chronic bronchitis in acute phase,clinical controlling phase,lung cancer and asthma in relieving phase.Methods Serum CRP of 48 patients in acute phase and 30 patients in clinical controlling phase of Chronic bronchitis,5 patients in relieving phase of asthma,11 patients of lung cancer and 29 placebo patients were tested.Results The level of serum CRP in acute phase were significantly higher than that in clinical controlling phase of Chronic bronchitis,and the level of serum CRP in acute phase were significantly higher than that in placebo group.There were all significant differences(P<0 01).Levels of serum CRP in acute phase of chronic bronchitis were significantly higher than that in relieving phase of sathma.There was significant difference(P<0 05).There were no significant differences in acute phase of Chronic bronchitis vs lung cancer,in clinical controlling phase of Chronic bronchitis vs asthma,in clinical controlling phase of Chronic bronchitis vs lung cancer,in clinical controlling phase of Chronic bronchitis vs placebo group,in relieving phase of asthma vs lung cancer,in relieving phase of asthma ov placebo group,lung cancer vs placebo group.Conclusion The level of CRP in acute phase of chronic bronchitis is raising significantly which clues to be with lung infection and may be one of effective makers of estimating prognosis.
出处 《职业卫生与病伤》 2002年第3期175-176,共2页 Occupational Health and Damage
基金 成都铁路局科研项目CX0 1 38之一
关键词 慢性支气管炎 C反应蛋白 哮喘 肺癌 C-Reactive protein chronic bronchitis lung cancer asthma
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