The essay is the examining procedure of Aero- monas Hydrophila stated asfollows:the stain of fo- rms,the character of culture,the reactions of bioc- hamistry,the tests of serum,the drugs sensitizations etc.The bacterium may clot with the serum of Bao’s Type Ⅱ and Type Ⅱ,to culture the bacterium under the room temperature (under 25℃);it is alert in peptone water;to look on the sheep blood petri dish; the colony of the bacterium shows large,gray and grass green colours.The diameter of the colony is 2.55 mm.With many tests of penicillin resistance, little white mouse,the cornea of Hollana pig,hae- molysis and the ligation of the rabbit intestines,we recognized that it is less poisonous or no poison.The writer supposes that the bacterium should arrange an item of examining food and drinking fluid as a ro- utine.
Hydrophila oxidase test intestine toxin test