在研究石墨炉原子吸收法测定血铅时,将石墨管分别电解涂层进行对照,发现前者更有效地降低了基体干扰。石墨管电解涂层一次可连续测定120次。检出限为3 ppb。应用该法测定了铅作业者和非铅作业者血液中铅的含量,并以加入法检验回收,结果较满意。
A method is discribed for the determination of lead in blood by grohite furnacl atomic-absorption spetroscopy.The electro-pre-coating the graphite tube with molyldenum and the inject-pre-coating the grg- phite tube were investigated.The electro-pre-coating the graphite tube is more effective in the elimination or matrix interfernce.It could is detected coutinuously t20 times.The limit of detection is 3ppb.This me- thod prores satisfactory for the determination of lead in blood