Some statistical methods have been used to esti- mate multivariate medical reference regions,e.g. multivariate Normal tolerance region,multidimen- sional scaling,etc.Because of the defects of these me- thods,i.e.complexity of calculation,indirect result- expression,and requirement of some restriction of the data,e.g.multivariate Normality,an effect has been produced on the application of multivariate medical reference regions to medical practice.To overcome the above problemes,this paper present a nonparametric statistical method to estimate mult- ivariate medical reference regions,which is the ge- neralization of percentile method used in estimating univariate reference region Compared with other methods,the advantages of the nonparametric statis- tical method are distribution-free,easy to learn and understand,simplicity of calculation,and direct result- expression.It is a relatively ideal statistical method for doctors to estimate multivariate medicalreference regions in practice.