A total of 60 stool samples collected from patients suffering from acute non-A, non-B hepatitis were examined by immune electron microscopy (IEM) during an epidemic of the disease in Hetian area, Xinjiang in 1986—87. The virus was found in feces in 83.3 per cent of patients, and 28.3 per cent (17/00) of the samples collected. 100 per cet of stool Samples collected 1—4 days before illness were positive for the virus. 14.3 per cent (1/7) of the stool samples excreted the virus within 9—12 days after theonset of the disease, whereas the virus was not detected in 22 samples collected later than 13—24 days after the onset of the illness. In 94.1 per cent of samples the virus were obtained daring late incubation period and early acute phases when SGPT was under 100 Iu/1. In the view of mentiened above finding we suggest that isolation period of this disease should be decided that, it had better be kept up at least 2~3 weeks from onser of the disease.