本文报道在1988年对健康人手指细菌学检测中,分离出两株生化不同的产肠毒素的豚鼠气单胞菌。以往文献报道豚鼠气单胞菌不产生肠毒素和溶血素,但本次分离菌株经乳鼠和家兔肠攀结扎试验均产生耐热肠毒素(ST),产生量和毒性均高于阳性对照产毒性大肠杆菌。其中1株能产生 ST和 LT(不耐热肠毒素)。
This paper reports in 1988,isolated two Strainsdifferent Bichemical Feature of Aeromonas CuriaeFor detection of Health Human.In Some Studies,A.Caviae never produced enterotoxic and hemo-tytic activiy.Our study shewed that all strains wasproduced Heat-stable enterotoxinlike(ST) while ingreat gantities and virulence strong by using thesuckling mouse model and rabbit ileal loops,allstrains as high as than that in ETEC postive control.One Strain not only produced Heat-stable entero-toxin also produced Heat-labile enterotoxin.Therewas significant difference as compaed with previousstudy.We found that A.cariae can be producedenterotoxic.