18 Newzealand rabbits, male, weigh 3kg. Observation of microcirculation under inverted microscopy and circuit TV with time video. Then allyl chloride was injected into cutaneous tissue. The microcirculation image was recorded once a day,and transmited into microcirculation image digital processing system for measuring the diameters.spontaneous vasomotion and perfusion area 41 times. After 10 days injecting Allyl Chloride, cut the materials of anterior horn of spinal cord, spinal ganglion, cardiac muscle, kidney for TEM;cut the ear chamber for ChE to test the ChE activity in the wall of microvessels and its innervating nerves. Results. 1. The diameters of the microvessels became contricted in early stage;sometimes contricted, sometimed dialated for arterioles and venules in middle stage;contricted for arterioles and dialated for venules and some arteriovenous anastomoses in late stage. The frequency and amplitude of the spontaneous vasomotion became decreased,blood flow in both arterioles and venules became slow and the aggregated of erythro-cytes appeared. The blood perfusion area were reduced. 2. The ChE activity in the walls of the microvessels and its innervating nerve fibres became lower. 3. Some vesticles in synapse in the anterior horn of the spinal cord were broken. Degeneration of the microtubules, neurofilaments, microcondria and smooth endoplasm in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and spinal ganglion appeared. Degeneration in unmyelated nerve fibres was rnordeserious than myelated fibres:the fibre of thick myelin sheath more serious than myelated fibres;the fibres of thick rnyelin sheath more serious than the thin sheath fibres. Degeneration of microcondria and smooth endoplasm in the cardiac muscle fibres,hepaticcells .epithelium of the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney were existed. The principle of toxicity of the effect of ally chloride was discussed. The damage of organs might be caused by acid poison induced by disturbance of the microcirculation except for the direct effect of the allyl chloride on the organs.
Journal of Chinese Microcirculation
Allyl chloride
Blood perfusion
Image processing
Ear Chamber.