目的 分析围产儿死亡原因,为提高围产儿保健工作和产科质量提供参考。方法 对两年半内137例围产儿的死亡率、新生儿死亡原因、死胎原因、围产儿与早产的关系、围产儿死亡畸形种类的变化进行统计分析。结果,围产儿的死亡率逐步下降,畸形为新生及死胎第一死亡原因。围产儿死亡中早产儿占69.34%,流动人口占48.1%。结论,进行产科一条龙规范化管理是降低围产儿死亡率提高产科质量的保证。产前诊断的开展提高了宫内畸形儿诊断率,畸形儿引产随之增加,防治早产提高早产儿救治水平仍是一项重大课题,切实做好深圳流动孕产妇管理亦是一大艰巨任务。
Obiecuve: We are to provide some referenee for unproving the quality of perinatal heaithcare and obstetrics by analyzingthe causes of perinatal death. Mcthod: perinatal mortality, causes of newbom death, causes of fetal death, the relation between perinatalbaby with premature, as well as the changes of deformty categories in perinatal death within two and half yesrs were analysed sta-tisueally, Results: perinatal morialty deceased with years, The No. I reason for perinatal and fetal death is deformity of perinataldeathes 69.14 percent are premature babies, 48.1 percent are nonresidents, Conclusion: A series of standard administration is essenrialto lower down perinatal mortality and improve obstetric quaiity The development of antepartuin diagnosis increases the chance of thefetus with deformity diagnosed before paruim. As a result labor induction in this group increases premature birth prevention and worksIt is also an ardous work to manage the pregnant nonresident, practically well.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Perinatal baby
Mortality rate
Causes of death