服生理盐水组大鼠舌粘膜上皮及空肠隐窝细胞有丝分裂指数(MI.长春新碱阻止法)均呈现近似昼夜节律变(峰值在卯时,谷值在酉时),小鼠回肠上皮 MI 有早(高)、晚(低)波动。用大黄、番泻叶加利血平所致的实验性脾虚动物组有明显不同的节律性改变。四君子汤能使脾虚大鼠舌粘膜细胞 MI 节律性较为正常,而对小肠 MI 节律性的恢复作用较弱。四君子汤有使脾虚动物中 MI 低下的提升到接近正常水平的效果。
The mitotic indices of the basal epithelium of the tongue and of the crypt cells of small bowel mucosa were measured in normal control,rhubarb-treated, senna plus reserpine-treated spleen deficient animals.It showed that the mitosis had day-night rhythm with the zenith appeared at 7 a.m.and the nadir appeared at 7p.m.in tongue epithelium while the changes of crypt ceils of small bowel mucosa were significant at 9 a.m.and imsignificant at 9 p.m.Si Jun Zi Tang can make the rhythm of mitosis to normal in tongue epithelium but not in small bowel mucosa.
Traditional Chinese Medicinal Research