
冬虫夏草对Heymann肾炎的疗效研究 被引量:1

Effect of the Cordyceps sinensis on Heymann Nephritis in Rats
摘要 用抗 FXIA 抗体将25只大白鼠造成被动 Heymann 肾炎,并随机分成实验组20只和对照组5只。实验组又分成 A 组10只,13组10只。A 组在造型前1天开始每天经口灌入心肝宝(每粒胶囊含冬虫夏草头孢茵丝0.25g)50mg/kg。B 组是在造型后7天开始按相同剂量和方法给药。从尿蛋白定量,血清肌酐及病理学几方面证明冬虫夏草对 Heymann 肾炎有疗效,特别是早期治疗的 A 组疗效更为显著。 In this study,the therapeutic effect of Cordyceps sinensis(CS)on passive Heymann nephritis(PHN)in rats was observed. Anfi-FxIA antibody was used to induce passive Hymann nephritis in 25 Wistar rats which were divided into 3 groups randomly. Group A(n=10)was fed with Xingan Bao(XGB,the major composition is CS)50 mg/kg first day before anfi-FxIA antibody was administrated(IP).Group B(n=10),the XGB(50 mg/kg)was fed at the Day 7 after establishment of PHN.The results showed that group A was more effective than that in group B,which indicated that the earlier use of CS in PHN,the more effec- tive of treatment was gained.
出处 《中国中西医结合杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第S1期105-106,287,共3页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 冬虫夏草 HEYMANN 肾炎 尿蛋白定量 肌酐 病理 Cordyceps sinensis Heymann nephritis quantity of proteinuria creatinine pathology
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