目的 :研究PRK和LASIK手术前后非接触眼压计 (NCT)测量值的改变及其与切削深度的相关性。方法 :对不同屈光度患者 673只眼 (PRK 3 2 5眼、LASIK 3 48眼 )术前、术后 3、 6、 12个月的眼压、角膜厚度及切削深度 ,应用统计学方法检验 ,并对眼压改变值与术中角膜切削深度作相关性分析。结果 :术后角膜厚度随屈光度增加而变薄 ,LASIK组大于PRK组 :NCT测量值均明显低于术前 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 ) ,但LASIK组与PRK组差异无显著性。术后一年眼压下降值与术中角膜切削深度存在统计学上的相关性 :PRK组r =0 2 85 6,LASIK组r =0 2 5 3 8。结论 :PRK和LASIK术后NCT测量结果下降 ,角膜变薄是其主要原因。
Objective:To study the changes in intraocular pressure (IOP) measured by non-contact tonometer (NCT) after PRK or LASIK,and its correlations with ablated depth. Methods:PRK or LASIK were run on 325 eyes and 348 eyes,respectively IOP,corneal thickness and ablated depth before and at 3,6 and 12 months after PRK and LASIK were tested and the correlations were analyzed. Results:The corneal thickness after LASIK was thinner than that after PRK.The decrease of IOP was significantly obvious after operation (P<0 05),the difference,however,of postoperative IOP between LASIK and PRK was not significant.There was a statistical correlation between the decreasing of IOP and the depth of cornea ablated at 1 year after operation,in PRK group r=0 2856,in LASIK r=0 2538. Conclusions:The deceasing of IOP after PRK and LASIK seems mainly related to the thinner cornea.The impact of operation on different measurement systems of IOP needs to be studied.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology