在体育领域中 ,人们非常关注足球“黑哨”问题 ,现已被我国最高人民检察院确认为商业犯罪 ,依照刑法第 16 3条 ,利用职务之便索取他人财物 ,进行定罪处罚。为提高人们的体育意识 ,联系足球“黑哨”犯罪性质、动机和缘由 ,进行理念探讨 ,以提高现代大学生的竞争意识 。
At the athletics world,they care for the problem of 'Dark Whistle' very much,it had been settled as the business crime,according to the law of No.163,one asks for goods at the advantage of his office,will be condemed. In order to the enhance peoples athletics conciousness,relate to the football 'Dark Whistle' crime nature,motive and reason, I would like to discuss the reason to enhance the competition consciousness of modern college students,pushing on the development of the school athletics competition action.
Hubei Sports Science