目的 :探讨显微内窥镜系统在腰椎间盘突出症微创手术治疗中的方法和特点。方法 :采用脊柱后路显微内窥镜 (microendoscopydiscectory ,MEDⅡ )进行髓核摘除和神经根松解、神经根管扩大。结果 :应用该术式治疗 14 0例 ,追踪随访 4~ 12个月 ,根据Nakai标准评定 :优 12 2例 ,良 15例 ,可 2例 ,差 1例。结论 :该技术适应症较广 ,手术损伤轻微 ,较安全 ,其在LDH治疗中有不可比拟的优点。
Objective:To investigate the methods and characters of micro-traumatic operation by spinal microendoscopy for the treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation (LDH).Methods:Microendoscopy discectory(MED) technique was used to remove the nucleus and decompress the nerve root by cleaning the canal. Results:For the results of 140 patients with LDH undergone MED followed up from 4 to 12 months, according to the Nakai scale, 122 were evaluated as excellent, 15 as good, 2 as fair and l as poor.Conclusion:This technique can be applied widely to many cases of LDH that cause slight damage. The rate of safety has been greatly rised. MED has gained non-competable advantage in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation at present.
China Journal of Modern Medicine