探讨肝炎产妇分娩的胎儿死亡机制。随机采集 4 5例肝炎产妇分娩的死胎 ,常规尸体解剖 ,取脑、胸腺、心脏、肺、胰腺、肝、脾、肾、脐带、胎盘组织 ,石蜡包埋 ,组织切片 ,HE染色 ,光学显微镜病理观察。黄疸型肝炎比无黄疸型肝炎产妇分娩死胎率高 ;胎儿死亡率以孕期 36周到 38周和婴母为丙型肝炎最高 ;黄疸型比无黄疸型肝炎引发的胎盘发育不良、胎儿肺羊水吸入、肺出血、肺弥漫充血、发育畸形机率高 ;两者比较差异显著 (P <0 0 5 )。肝炎产妇胎盘发育不良引起胎儿肺羊水吸入 ,进而导致胎儿心、肺功能障碍、发育畸形 ,是造成肝炎产妇分娩的胎儿死亡的主要原因。
Study the mechanism of the dead fetus that the puerperal delivered with hepatitis virus. 45 cases dead fetus were randomly selected that the puerperal delivered with hepatitis virus. The brain,thymus,heart,lungs,pancreas,liver,spleen,kidney,umbilical cord,placenta were collected and embedded with paraffin and made section. The sections were stained with HE, and observed under light microscope with the pathological methods. It was higher for the rate of the dead fetus that the puerperal delivered with IH than NIH, It was highest for the rate that fetus died in the gestational period (36-38W) of the pregnant women with hepatitis C; It was higher for the rate of the PMD?FAFAL?PO?PC?PP that the puerperal delivered with IH than NIH, The comparison results were statistically significant ( P <0 05). The higher death rate of the fetus that the puerpecal delivered with IH than NIH was mainly due to the placenta maldevelopment which cause the amniotic fluid to be inspired into fetus lungs, further cause the fetus to have cardiopulmonary insufficiency and other dyformaties.
Journal of Clinical Hepatology
铁道部 2 0 0 0年自然科技资金资助 (J2 0 0 0Z0 95 )。