人口学的社会认知形象不清或偏狭 ,对人口学的地位、作用和学科发展造成了不利的影响 ,也是造成我国目前人口学研究萎缩的重要原因之一。人口学是一门很年轻的、在我国还远远没有被开发的很有发展前途的科学。应以市场经济为背景 ,从深化人口学的学科研究、专业人才培养和应用开发三个方面来解决当前人口科学发展问题。
The research field and object of demography are not well defined , which is one of the essential reasons for the withering of demographic researches in China and is playing a bad influence on the development of this subject with the consequences of the importance of it being ignored . Demography is a prospective subject in spite of its small history , which has not been well developed in China . We should solve the existing problems in demography from three aspects : (1) to realize the importance of the market-oriented economy (2) to do more researches of this subject (3) to lay emphasis on the professional training and applied development
Population Journal