三缸单作用往复泵排出管内的压力脉动是由流量脉动引起的 ,为减少压力脉动 ,通常在排出管路上安装空气包。建立了空气包排出管路系统的动力学模型 ,得到了排出管路流量的动态方程。实际算例的结果分析表明 ,在其它条件不变的情况下 ,三缸泵曲柄连杆长度比增大时 ,空气包后部管路内流量脉动率略有增大 ;空气包入口颈管内径增大时 ,流量脉动率略有减小 ;对流量脉动率影响最大的是泵阀开启和关闭滞后角 ,当滞后角增大时 ,流量脉动率迅速增大。
The pressure pulse in the discharge pipe of a triplex pump is usually caused by flow rate pulse. To reduce the pressure pulse, a air case is often fixed on the discharge pipe. The dynamic model for the discharge pipe with air case is established, and the dynamic equation of the flow of the discharge pipe is obtained. The result of a case study shows that, the flow pulse rate is greatly influenced by the angle of delay of the pump valve, and it increases rapidly while the angle of delay is enlarged.
China Petroleum Machinery