随着数字电路的兴起 ,PLD器件是发展最快的技术之一 ,它的高密度、高灵活性 ,使得很多早期数字电路得以再集成 ,大幅提高了系统可靠性及性能 ,并大大减小了体积 ,节约了综合成本。本文在介绍了可编程逻辑器件的发展历程及特点后 。
Programmable logic device(PLD) develops very fast as digital circuits grow. Its features of high density, high flexibility makd it possible for early digital circuits to be integrated once more, thus increasing dramatically system reliability and performances and reducing greatly the size and total cost. This paper introduces the development and features of PLD and describes in detail the development and design flow of this device.
Fire Control Radar Technology