长苞铁杉属于珍稀濒危植物 ,被列为国家 级保护植物。在样地调查材料的基础上 ,对福建省天宝岩自然保护区珍稀植物长苞铁杉群落结构、群落数量特征、种群动态进行了深入分析与研究。并对长苞铁杉濒危机制及保护措施进行了探讨 。
Tsuga longibracteata belongs to rare and endangered plant listed as the third rank protected plant in China Based on the plot-investigated date, this paper dealt with the community structure,community quantitative feature,the developments of population of the rare and endangered plant of Tsuga longibracteata to endangered state were analyzed and the effective measures were put forward to conserve the rare species, which would provide basic reference for the conservation of Tsuga longibracteata.
East China Forest Management