本文研究了沙柳水抽提物及其与化学助剂的共同作用对石膏水化时间的影响 ,探讨了化学助剂的添加量与初凝时间的相关性。结果表明 ,沙柳水抽提物具有延缓和干扰石膏水化的特性 ,为稳定石膏的水化过程 ,需加入适量的化学助剂。柠檬酸钠的加入量与初凝时间之间呈线性相关关系 ,可根据对初凝时间的不同要求选择合适的柠檬酸钠加入量。
A study on the influence of water extractive of Salix Mongolia and it effect together with some chemical aided-agents on the setting time of gypsum. The resuct indicates that the water extractive of Salix Mongolia can retard and disturb the setting of gypsum. Therefore,in the process of artificial particleboard of Salix Mongolia and gypsum,the setting of gypsum is stabilized by adding a certain proportion of chemical aided-agent.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)