精准农业就是利用RS作宏观控制 ;用GPS精确定位地面位置 ;用GIS将地面信息 (地形、地貌、作物种类和长势、土壤质地和养分、水分状况等 )进行储存 ,按区内要素的空间变量数据 ,精确设定最佳耕作、施肥、播种、灌溉、喷药等多种操作 ,变传统的粗放经营为精细生产 .精准农业不仅可以充分利用资源、降低不必要的投入、减少环境污染和取得最大的社会经济效益 ,而且 ,象工业一样 ,可望使农产品生产成为可控化、标准化。
Precision agriculture makes use of RS to macro-control, of GPS to locate precisely ground position and of GIS to store ground information. It precisely establishes various operation, such as the best tillage, application of fertilizer, sowing, irrigation, spurting etc,turns traditional extensive production to intensive production according to space variable data. Precision agriculture not only may utilize fully resources, reduce investment, decrease pollution of the environment and get the most of social and economic efficiency, but also makes farm products, the same as industry, become controllable, and be produced in standards and batches.
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University