知识经济时代 ,实施技术创新战略是推动西部经济发展的必然和必要选择。欠发达地区技术创新所特有的跨越性、模仿性 (二次创新 )和复杂性说明 ,发展高新技术产业、以高新技术改造传统产业、开展二次创新。
In the era of knowledge-based economy, to implement technical innovation strategy in western region is both necessary and essential. Technical innovation in underdeveloped region is chiefly characterized by excessive speed,imitativeness and complexity, which illustrate that pushing on imitative technical innovation, developing high-tech industry, promoting traditional industry by high-tech, building up regional innovation system play an important role in the success of western technical innovation and jumping economic growth.
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute
陕西省教育厅科研计划项目 (0 1JK0 38)