稀土对甘蔗有增产、增糖和促熟的作用。但稀土的增产效应受蔗区土壤的有效稀土含量和土壤 pH 分别制约;而增糖效应则受有效稀土含量和土壤 pH 值的连应双重制约。因而甘蔗喷施稀土技术要因地制宜,定向推广应用,借以提高稀土技术经济效益。
Statistical analyses for agronomic and economic perfermances in sugarcane showed that the role played by spraying RE in increasing cane yield was mainly due to an increase in the number of millable cane resulted from raising the formative rate of stalk.The effect of spraying RE on increasing sucrose content in sugarcane was just because of raising sucrose content in the early ripening stage associated with the advacement in mutaring.The response of advancing maturing of sugarcane by spraying RE was chiefly owing to acce- lerate the rate of sucrose accumulation in the early ripening stage.
Sugarcane and Canesugar