本文根据西电东送条件下全国能源结构和布局调整要求 ,分析了西南能源资源开发优势及向东部地区送电的潜力 ,分析了水电、煤电和天然气发电之间的相互补充关系 ,提出西南地区的能源开发要在充分发挥独特的水能、煤炭和天然气资源优势基础上 ,注重合理分工和跨区域合作 ,对能源资源进行配套开发 ,以获取资源综合利用效益。同时对配套开发所涉及的体制、电力价格、电网结构、政策等提出了建议。
Based on the requirements of rectification of national energy structure and layouts under the premise of sending electricity from west to east, the paper has analyzed the advantages of exploring south-west energy resources and the potential of sending electricity from west to east, analyzed the compensatory relationship among water electricity, coal electricity and the natural gas electricity, stated that energy exploration in south west region shall emphases on the rational specification and regional cooperation, and its matching exploration shall be considered so as to gain the comprehensive benefits. Meanwhile, the proposals in respects to related system, electricity price, structure of net of electricity and policies have been raised.
China Industrial Economics
20 0 1年国家社会科学基金项目"西电东送与西南特色能源资源配套开发研究"(编号 :0 1BJY0 40 )阶段成果