《三国演义》中的鲁肃不仅是一位具有远见卓识的谋略家 ,而且是富有实际经验的政治家。他能在危难面前 ,挺身而出 ,迅速行动 ,不失时机。他常常是一副温厚良善的态度 ,有时几近木讷 ,实际是善于妥协 ,极能成事。在吴蜀联盟的战略上他坚如磐石 ,他的存在决定着吴蜀联盟的存在 ,亦即意味着吴国的存在和魏蜀吴三国均势的存在。他“荐统以助刘”的行为有着动人的光彩 ,他具有超时脱俗的人才观念。
Lu Su in Romance of the Three kingdoms was not only forward-looking strateqist,but also a stateman full of practical experience.Facing the dangers and difficultles,he stepped forward bravely and took steps in time,His attitude appeared to be kind and mild ,but in fact,he was good at dealing with different situctions.He was as firm as stone in alliance of wu and Shu.The existance of alliance of Wu and Shu would depend on his existance.i.e.the existance of Wu and the existance of balance of the three kingdoms.He recommended Pangtong to Liu Bei,which was colourful and touching.he has unconventional point of view of personnel.
Academic Exchange