介绍了处于繁华市区的两栋框架大楼定向爆破拆除的施工方案、爆破参数和起爆顺序。虽然楼房按预期的方向倾倒 ,但有一部分后承重柱被高位拉断。文中简要阐述了后承重柱高位拉断的机理 ,指出了在上部载荷足够大和已具备足够的倾覆力矩的条件下 ,追求过大的炸高 。
The constructing scheme,blasting parameters and firing sequence for demolition of two frame buildings in the downtown area by directional blasting was introduced Although the buildings collapsed to the desired direction,partial back bearing pillars broke off in a higher position In this paper,the mechanism of back bearing pillar abruption in a higher position was explained It was pointed out that the basic reason of back bearing pillar abruption in a higher position was in pursuit of excessive height of a blasting cut in the condition of having enough top load or tilting moment
Engineering Blasting