根据定向爆破拆除高耸建筑物的原理 ,完成了 3 0m和 40m高的两座竖式石灰炉窑的爆破拆除。通过 3次爆破 ,将炉窑的大部分钢筋混凝土基础切除 ,使炉窑因失稳而倾倒。文中介绍了爆破方案设计、爆破参数的选择。
Based on the principle of demolishing the towering constructions by directional blasting,blasting demolition of two vertical limestone kilns with heights of 30m and 40m respectively was carried out Most of the reinforced concrete foundation of the kiln was cut off by 3 blasts,making it collapsing due to its unstability The selection of blasting scheme and blasting parameters,blast hole pattern and constructing procedure were introduced in this paper
Engineering Blasting