研究了胺基磺酸盐水解反应动力学 ,分析了氢离子对水解反应的催化作用以及水解的盐效应 ,在所研究的离子强度范围内 ,胺基磺酸盐的水解反应呈负盐效应。胺基三磺酸钾 ( NTS)水解反应动力学方程为 :dc NTSdt =k NTSc NTSc H+ ,在 30°C~ 67°C、离子强度 I=0 .0 5 mol/L时 ,k NTS=3.5 77×1 0 9e-5.460× 10 4 / RTL/( mol· s) ;胺基二磺酸钾 ( IDS)的水解反应动力学方程为 :- dcIDSdt=k IDSc H+ c IDS,在32°C~ 72°C、离子强度 I=0 .1 0 mol/L时 ,k IDS=1 .40 5× 1 0 17e-1.0 65× 10 5/ RTL/( mol· min) ;胺基一磺酸钾 ( SA)的水解反应动力学方程为 :- dc SAdt=k SAc H+ c SA,在 5 0°C~ 84°C、离子强度 I=0 .0 5 mol/L时 ,k SA=7.964× 1 0 17e-1.2 77× 10 5/ RTL/( mol·min)
The hydrolyses of nitridotrisulfonate, imidodisulfonate, sulfamate in acid aqueous solutions were studied. The ammonium sulfate can be pr oduced by three successive hydrolysis reactions from nitridotrisulfonate. The de pendence of the rate constant k on ionic strength is also investigated. Nega tive salt effect was exhibited in the range of ionic strength studied. The kinet ic of these hydrolyses have been determined as follow: The kinetic equatio n of the acid hydrolysis of potassium nitridotrisulfonate is -d c NTS d t = k NTS c H + c NTS , w here k NTS =3.577×10 9e -5.460×10 4/ RT L/(mol·s) in the temp erature of 30°C ~ 67°C at I = 0.05 mol/L. The rate of the acid hyd rolysis of potassium imidodisulfonate obeys the expression: -d c IDS d t = k IDS c H + c IDS , where k IDS = 1.405 ×10 17 e -1.065×10 5/ RT L/(mol·min) in the temperature of 32°C ~ 72°C at I = 0.10 mol/L. The rate of t he acid hydrolysis of potassium sulfamate can be written as: -d c SA d t = k SA c H + c SA , where k SA =7.964×10 17 ·e -1.277×10 5/ RT L/(mol·min) in the temperature of 50°C ~ 84°C at I = 0.05mol/L.
Journal of East China University of Science and Technology
国家自然科学基金"九五"重点资助项目 (2 963 3 0 3 0 )