

Migrating Component Mechanism in Dynamically Changing Network Topology
摘要 为了解决分布式系统中的动态负载均衡、容错、动态资源利用、隐式的颗粒度控制等问题 ,提出了一种透明的组件迁移技术 ,描述了在动态网络拓扑中有效地维持系统组件之间通信链路的组件迁移机制 ,同时考虑了对并发迁移情况的处理 .对组件在不同文件系统中的迁移性能进行了测试和比较 .提出的机制只用到较少的系统拓扑知识 ,在迁移过程中不阻塞进程 ,而只要求迁移组件本身停止计算 。 In order to solve the problems of dynamic load balancing, fault tolerance, dynamic resource utilization, and implicit granularity control etc, this paper presents a transparently migrating component technique, describes a migration mechanism for maintaining communication links between system components in dynamically changing network topologies, and considers how to handle concurrent migration. The migration performance in different file system was measured. The presented mechanism uses the minimal knowledge of the system topologies. During the migration, it only requires the component being moved to stop computing while there is no process blocking. It has little effect on the performance of the non-migrating components of the system.
作者 余敏 尤晋元
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第9期1337-1340,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 上海科技发展基金 (995 115 0 14 ) 国家留学基金
关键词 通信链路 移动代理 分布式系统 迁移性能 动态网络拓扑 组件迁移机制 Concurrent engineering Dynamics Mobile computing Telecommunication links
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