
健康新生儿口腔正常微生物的早期定植研究 被引量:3

The Development of Normal Microbiota in Oral Cavity of Healthy Neonates
摘要 目的 观察新生儿口腔微生物的早期定植情况 ,确定健康新生儿口腔正常微生物群的组成以及新生儿口腔中的优势细菌。方法 对 2 2名健康新生儿口腔进行棉拭子取样 ,在需氧、兼性厌氧、厌氧条件下培养 ,培养均采用成品培养基和培养盒 ,培养结果作微生物的形态学及生化鉴定。结果  90 .9%的刚出生健康新生儿口腔中无菌 ;4 5 .5 %的新生儿出生第 2天即可检出 Streptococcus salivarius(S.salivarius) ,2 7.3%可检出 Streptococ-cus mitis(S.mitis) ,到出生后第 2 8天这两种菌的检出率分别达 86 .4 %和 81.8% ;Candida albicans(C.albicans)在1月龄新生儿口腔中检出率为 2 2 .7% ;母乳喂养与人工喂养的新生儿口腔正常微生物群之间无明显差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。结论 在早期定植于健康新生儿口腔生态区的正常微生物中 ,S.salivarius和 S.mitis为其优势细菌 ,C.albi-cans为优势真菌。不同喂养方式对新生儿口腔优势菌群的组成和数量无明显影响。 Objective To determine the components of the normal microbiota in oral cavity of normal neonates and to investigate the predominant bacteria in the oral cavity of the newborns. Methods The oral swab samples for the study were taken from the buccal mucosa and alveolar ridges of 22 neonates from birth to one month old. All the samples were cultured aerobically, facultative anaerobically and anaerobically at 37℃ for 48 hours. The strains were identified by colony characteristics and biochemical tests. Results The oral cavity was sterile in 90.9% of the newborns at birth. S. salivarius was isolated from 45.5% of neonates and S. mitis from 27.3% on the 2nd day rising to 86.4% and 81.8% by the 28 th day. There is no difference of predominant microbiota between the breast fed neonates and the bottle fed neonates ( P >0.05). Conclusion S. salivarius and S. mitis are predominant species of the normal microflora early colonized in the oral cavities of healthy neonates. C.albicans is the predominant species of fungi in the oral cavity of newborns. Both feeding ways have no effects on the components and amounts of normal microbiota in the oral cavity of the neonates
出处 《华西医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期563-566,共4页 Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
关键词 正常微生物群 早期定植 优势细菌 新生儿 口腔 Normal microbiota Early colonization Predominant bacteria Neonate
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