目的 :探讨幽门螺杆菌感染是否为增加脑血栓形成发病率的危险因素 ,为进一步前瞻性研究提供依据。方法 :采用 1∶1配对设计的病例对照研究 ,调查了 2 10例急性脑血栓形成 (脑梗 )患者。同时选取 2 10例非病例组作为对照组 ,要求年龄性别、吸烟、喝酒、高血压及饮食习惯构成与病例组一一对应 ,分别对两组做幽门螺杆菌检测 ,判断幽门螺杆菌感染与急性脑梗死的联系。结果 :病例组与对照组的 χ2 值为 6 .4 5 1;比值比 (OR)为 1.6 3,OR可信区间为 1.12~ 2 .37,不包括 1,说明OR值有显著性。结论
Objective:To discuss if Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection being a risk factor increasing the incidence of cerebral thrombosis, and to offer basis for prospective study.Methods: 210 cases of urgent cerebral thrombosis patient were selected, and 210 cases of non-case were selected as the control group in an individual matching 1∶1 case-control study. The case group was matched to the control group according to the composing of age, sex, smoking, drinking,hypertension and the dietetic custom.Both groups were examined Hp in order to estimate the relation between Hp infection and urgent cerebral thrombosis.Result:the χ 2 of the two group is 6.451; OR is 1.63, the confidence interval of OR is1.12~2.37, exclude 1, OR shows statistic significance. Conclusion:Hp infection is a risk factor, which increases urgent cerebral thrombosis. Chronic inflammation increasing the level of lipid peroxide and plasma fibrinogen and stimulating cerebral thrombosis may be one of the nosogenesis of Hp infection causing urgent cerebral thrombosis. Prospective study and experimental study should be carried on if the conclusion need be proved.