调查、收集和整理了 1 997年至 1 999年大凌河流域主要河流断面水质监测数据 ,并依据国家现行环境质量标准GHZB1 -1 999《地表水环境质量标准》 ,分枯水期和丰水期两个特征水文期 ,对大凌河河流水质进行了详细评价 ,评价总河长 498km .分析结果表明 ,辽西沿海河流总体水质状况较差 ,污染严重 ,干、支流河段水质多为Ⅳ类或更差 ,且丰水期水质劣于枯水期 .
Investigation and data collecting of the water pollution from 1997 to 1999 in the west rivers of Liaoning have been conducted.The condition of the river water was appraised accoding to the Environment Quality Standard for Surface Water GHZB1-1999 along 498?km long Dalinghe Rivers.The water quality of waters in the west of Liaoning is poor. The rivers are seriously polluted.The water qualityis Ⅳ grage or even worse.The water quality in water quantity great season is worse than that in water quantity small season.
Journal of Shenyang Architectural and Civil Engineering University(Nature Science)