以天线罩壁各处电厚度一致为目标对硬脆材料复杂形面天线罩进行精密测量和修磨 ,属于自由曲面的精密加工范畴 ,其测量和加工的控制系统将完全不同于普通的数控系统 .介绍了导弹天线罩精密测量和修磨加工系统方案设计中的关键技术及实现方法 ,阐明了基于双 CPU系统的开放型控制系统的控制原理、系统构成及抗干扰措施 ,并探讨了控制系统的软硬件开发技术 .调试结果表明 ,系统能够保证天线罩内廓的准确。
To ensure the electric thickness coherence in any part of the missile radome which has a complicated shape and is made of hard and brittle material, it′s very important to precisely measure and machine the radome. The aim to accurately machine the radome is to make the collimation error of the missile minished. The control system of the measuring and machining equipment, which is specially designed and manufactured, is presented. The control principle, the system architecture and anti jamming methods of the open control system based on dual CPU, including the hardware system and the software system are discussed. The results show that the system can meet the requirements of rapid and precise measuring and machining for the inner contour of the radome.
Journal of Dalian University of Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9975 0 16)
国家"863"计划资助项目 (2 0 0 1AA 42 1170 )