为了探讨T1 ~T3期声门型喉癌的切除后的修复和功能重建 ,回顾总结 1 994年 1 0月- 2 0 0 2年 6月间南京鼓楼医院和西安西京医院的 79例声门型喉癌患者的临床资料 ,并随访全部患者复查和了解喉的基本功能 .结果发现 79例患者术后 3年内恢复良好 ,喉的三大功能基本得到了保存 .因此对于切除T3以下的声门型喉癌 ,用颈前筋膜来修复喉腔缺损创面 ,是一种简单易行、取材方便的好方法 ,而且对喉功能的恢复和重建有良好的促进作用 .
The purpose of the study is to discuss partial laryngectomy and repair of T 1~T 3 glottal cancer on one side under laryngofissure.We have summarized clinical materials of 79 patients with T 1~T 3 glottal cancer from 1994 to 2002 in Xijing Hospital and Drum Tower Hospital.All patients were very fine after partial laryngectomy and repair.The three functions of larynx were reserved as well.Partial laryngectomy is suitable for glottal cancer on one side which belongs to T 3 or is below T 3 under laryngofissure;the superfical layer of the neck is an excellent material not only for repairing laryngeal cavity,but also for functional recovery.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)