目的 在嗅球成鞘细胞 (OECs)移植到脊髓可有助于损伤神经纤维再生的基础上 ,分别对嗅球和嗅粘膜的OECs进行培养 ,探索自体嗅粘膜作为OECs供体的可能性。 方法 根据OECs、成纤维细胞和星形胶质细胞贴壁时间的不同 ,采用差时贴壁方法分离出OECs,培养 14div后进行NGFRp75和GDNF的免疫细胞化学染色。 结果 按形态学和免疫组织化学特性 ,培养的嗅球和嗅粘膜OECs可分为 3类 :双极细胞、三级细胞和扁圆细胞 ,其中以双极细胞最多。嗅粘膜的双极成鞘细胞的突起更加细长。 结论 差时贴壁细胞分离法是一种简单、经济、实用的成鞘细胞分离方法。鼻腔嗅粘膜OECs的形态学和免疫细胞化学特性与嗅球OECs基本相同 。
Objective On the basis that olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) transplanted into injured spinal cord may facilitate axonal regeneration, the OECs were cultured from olfactory bulb and nasal olfactory mucosa in the present study, in order to explore if the olfactory mucosa could be a new donation for transplanting the olfactory ensheathing cells. Methods OECs were harvested from olfactory bulb and mucosa based on the differing rates of attachment of the various cell types, following GFAP and NGFRp75 immunocytochemistry. Results Three morphological and immunohistochmically distinct types of cell which appeared bipolar,tripolar and flat morphology were present in primary cultures of adult rat olfactory bulb and olfactory mucosa.Conclusion The method of purification for OECs based on the different rates of attachment among the various cell types is simple, inexpensive and practical. The OECs from nasal olfactory mucosa like ones from the olfactory bulb is an accessible source of tissue for autologous grafting in human spinal paralegia in the future.
Acta Anatomica Sinica
北京大学"985"行动计划重大项目资助 (70 7 68914 3 )