
无限大导体表面孔缝耦合电磁能量分析 被引量:3

The analysis of coupling electromagnetic energy through apertures in conducting surfaces
摘要 为有效设计电子设备 ,有必要了解它的最坏电磁工作环境 ,知道有多少电磁场通过耦合进入系统。采用矩量法分析了任意平面波通过无限大平板上小孔耦合的电磁能量 ,计算了电磁波通过小孔耦合能量传输系数。 To design effectively electric equipments, It is critical to charactize the worst case electromagnetic ceupling, that is the upper bound of the field penetrating a system. paper, In this paper, in terms of the Moment Method, the electromagnetic coupling of a plane wave through a small aperture in conducting surfaces is analyzed. The EM energy transmission coefficient through the aperture in conducting surfaces is calculated.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 2002年第4期418-421,425,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (6 98710 2 1)
关键词 无限大导体 表面孔缝耦合 电磁能量 矩量法 小孔耦合 传输系数 电磁兼容 MOM, the coupling of aperture, EM energy transmission coefficient
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