以 2 0 0 0年上海 1 94家企业质量管理实践的一项问卷调查为基础 ,依据 EFQM模型 ,通过 Boot-strap方法重复取样 ,从原始样本产生了 5 0 0 0个 bootstrap样本。针对每个样本应用因子分析法及因子得分回归分析 ,确定了上海企业质量管理水平指标构成的权重结构 ,并得出欧洲质量管理奖权重结构的差异。上海企业的质量管理实践中关注动力部分多于结果部分 ,在结果中更注重顾客满意 ,但是对顾客满意以及过程管理和实施结果仍需要提高实践和关注程度。
This paper examines the weight structure of quality management indicator for excellence in Shanghai companies. This is done through a survey among 194 Shanghai companies which responded to a self assessment questionnaire based on the EFQM excellence model. The data from this survey have been analyzed through factor score analysis based on onfirmatory factor analysis on 5000 bootsstrapped samples. The empirical results indicate that enterprises in Shanghai focus more on the initiate section than the result section in which Customer Satisfaction is mainly focused. However, it's necessary to focus more on Customer Satisfaction, Process Management and Key Performance according to the EFQM Excellence Model.
Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications