[目的 ]了解 1997- 2 0 0 0年泉州市食品污染的趋势和特点 ,对污染水平进行综合评价。 [方法 ]对泉州市18类 35 6 5件食品的卫生质量检测结果进行统计分析。 [结果 ]4年来全市食品卫生质量明显改善 ,合格率逐年提高 ,但合格率总体上仍然偏低。食品微生物污染仍是影响全市食品卫生质量的主要因素 ,化学性污染逐年攀升 ,重金属污染重新抬头 ,滥用食品添加剂依然严重 ,非食品用化学物质污染问题突出 ,蔬菜农药残留未得到根本控制 ,食用油的黄曲霉毒素污染可能出现回潮。 [结论 ]应加快现代化食品流通体系的建设 ,理顺食品流通的卫生安全管理机制 ,建立健全食品污染监测和预警机制。
To find out the characteristics and the tendency of food contamination in Quanzhou, Fujian from 1997 to 2000 and evaluate the contamination level. The results of detection of hygiene quality of 3 565 samples belonging to 18 kinds of food were analyzed. The hygiene quality of food improved obviously and the qualification rate increased year by year.But the overall qualification rate was still at low level.The microbiological contamination was the main factor effecting the food quality in Quanzhou; The chemical contamination was increasing;The contamination by heavy metal was raising again; The abuse of the food additive remained seriously;The pesticide contamination to the vegetables remainde a public health problem and edible oil contaminated by aflatoxin may be reemerging. [Conclusion] The construction of modern food circulation and food safety control system must be strengthen.The surveillance and pre alerting mechanism on food contamination should be established quickly.
Strait Journal of Preventive Medicine