昭通褐煤为软褐煤 ,破碎难度大 .块煤随干燥程度的加深其易碎性和细粉增加 ;炉内干燥以 1 1 0℃~ 1 3 0℃为宜 ;研究所获取的干燥、破碎及粒度分析资料 。
Zhaotong lignite is a kind of cherry coal, therefore, its crushing is difficult. The friability and fines of the block coal increase with the extent of its dryness. The dryness for zhao tong lignite in kiln is suitable at temperature 110℃~130℃. These study results about drying and crushing and grain size offer the foundation for the test of gasification of Zhaotong lignite.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
云南省省院省校科技合作项目 (项目编号 :98YQ0 19)