选经常规免疫 ND、IBD的 2 8周龄尼克红蛋鸡 2 0 0只 ,按随机法等分为 5组 ,放置于人工气候室内 ,5组日粮 Se水平分别为 0 .1(对照组 ) ,0 .15 ,0 .2 0 ,0 .2 5 ,0 .30 mg/ kg。供试温度为 33℃ ,试期共 2 8d。供试鸡分别在 33℃ 16 6 h,33℃ 334h,33℃ 5 0 2 h,33℃ 6 70 h空腹采血并测定有关指标。结果表明 ,蛋鸡日粮 Se水平为0 .2 0~ 0 .2 5 m g/ kg的试验组 ,经过 33℃ 5 0 2 h,其血液淋巴细胞百分率 ,T、B淋巴细胞转化率 ,ND、IBD抗体滴度均显著 (P<0 .0 5 )或极显著 (P<0 .0 1)地高于日粮 Se水平 0 .10 mg/ kg组的同类指标。日粮 Se水平为 0 .2 0~0 .2 5 mg/ kg时 ,蛋鸡血液免疫指标的改善程度不一。表明在较长高温环境下 ,日粮 Se水平为 0 .2 0~ 0 .2 5 mg/ kg时能明显改善蛋鸡的免疫功能。
Two hundred 28 week old hens which via routine immune ND and IBD were divided into five groups randomly,then they were laid up in man made climate room.In five groups the dietary Se levels were 0.10 (control group),0.15,0.20,0.25 and 0.30 mg/kg respectively.The test was at 33℃ and within 28 days.Taking blood on an empty stomach and determining relevant index of testing layers were at 33 ℃ 166 h,33 ℃ 334 h,33 ℃ 502 h and 33 ℃ 670 h separately.The results showed that:the dietary Se level between 0.20 and 0.25 mg/kg at 33 ℃ 502 h,the percentage of blood lymphocyte,the changeable rate of T and B lymphocyte as well as ND and IBD antibody titer were all significantly higher than the similar index of 0.10 mg/kg ( P <0.05) or ( P <0.01).As the level of dietary Se was 0.30 mg/kg,the degree of improving immune index of blood was different.It showed that the level of dietary Se between 0.20 and 0.25 \{mg/kg\} could obviously improve the immune function of layers at high temperature for a long time.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
陕西省科技厅资助项目 (2 0 0 0 K0 3 -0 2 )