通过对高密度聚乙烯保护层的聚氨酯保温直埋管和玻璃棉类保温管地沟敷设工程造价、不同保温材料热损失进行计算比较 ,结果表明 :使用聚氨酯保温直埋管可降低工程造价 8% ,管网热损失仅为 2 % ;采用高密度聚乙烯保护层的聚氨酯保温管道使用寿命是地沟敷设管道的 3~ 4倍 ,施工周期可缩短 5 0 %。并对聚氨酯保温管直埋敷设的施工和设计提出了一些建议。
By calculating the costs of trench laying engineering of buried insulating pipe with high density polyethylene protective coating and glass fiber insulating pipe and the heat losses of various heat insulation material,the cost of polyurethane buried insulating pipe was reduced by 8 percent,the heat loss of heat supply network was only 2 percent.The use life of polyurethane insulating pipe using high density polyethylene protective coating was 3 to 4 times that of trench laying pipe;construction cycle was shortened by 50 percent.Some problems,which are needed to pay attention to on the construction and design of polyurethane insulation pipe buring laying are presented.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)