研究了中原地区 3种主要禾本科牧草 (苇状羊茅、多年生黑麦草、无芒雀麦 )在 1年内的物候期特点以及分蘖动态。结果表明 ,禾草在生长期内都在进行不同程度地分蘖 ,分蘖速度在 1年内有 3个高峰期 (分蘖期、孕穗期和果后营养期 )、1个平缓期和 1个负增长期 ,分蘖速度最快的为分蘖期 ,物候期内单株分蘖数和全年分蘖总数在果后营养期中达到最大。另外 。
Thephenological characteristics and tillering dynamics of three maingrasses (Festuca arundinacea, Bromus inermisand Lolium perenne) growing at Central China during a growing year. The results showed that new tillersappearedcontinuously in the growing season with great fluctuation of tillering rates including three increasing peaks, one decreasing valley and one relative stable period,the highest tillering speed was in the tillering period but the number of tiller per plant reachedthe greatest in the period of vegetation after the full ripe as well as the total number of tillering during a year. The mixture sown byperennial grasses wirh legumes could benefit the increase of total tillering of grasses.
Pratacultural Science
河南省自然科学基金赞助项目--"牧草与饲料作物优质高产技术的应用"的一部分 (9740 14 70 0 )