大唇犀 (Chilotherium属 )是中国晚中新世三趾马动物群中占统治地位的类型 ,在亚洲的其他地区和南欧也有广泛的分布。然而 ,有关大唇犀头后骨骼的记述相当少。在山西保德和陕西府谷已经发现了丰富的大唇犀化石 ,但到目前为止仅有安氏大唇犀 (Ch .anderssoni)的少量头后骨骼被记述。维氏大唇犀 (Ch .wimani)最早发现于陕西府谷 ,被记述的材料仅包括头骨标本。最近我们在甘肃临夏盆地发现了大量晚中新世的Ch .wimani化石 ,其中不仅有众多的头骨 ,头后骨骼也相当丰富。本文研究的标本采自临夏盆地内众多的晚中新世三趾马动物群化石地点 ,包括和政县的大深沟、南阳山、大山庄、禾托和高家山 ,广河县的后山、兰家山、山庄、寺沟、次滩、沙地沟、阳洼铺子和桥家 ,以及东乡县的双拱北等。在保德的三趾马动物群中 ,大唇犀以Ch .anderssoni和哈氏大唇犀 (Ch .habereri)为代表 ,而在临夏和府谷却是以Ch .wimani为代表。临夏盆地的三趾马动物群中共有 3种无角犀类 ,即Ch .wimani,Acerorhinuscornutus和A .hezhengensis。根据头骨材料的统计 ,Ch .wimani在犀类中占有绝对优势 ,A .hezhengensis和A .cornutus的个体数量很少。与此对应 ,动物群中的无角犀类肢骨明显可以分为 3组 ,其中具中等尺寸的一组占有绝对优势。?
The genus Chilotherium was dominant among the Hipparion fauna of the Late Miocene in China, and it also appeared in other regions of Asia and South Europe widely. However, studies for the postcranial skeletons of Chilotherium are scarce. Although rich fossils of Chilotherium were discovered in Baode, Shanxi and Fugu, Shaanxi, only some postcranial bones of Ch. anderssoni were described. Recently, very abundant fossils of Ch. wimani were discovered from the Late Miocene of the Linxia Basin in Gansu, China, including a lot of skulls as well as postcranial skeletons. In this paper, limb bones of Ch.wimani are studied. The fore and hind feet of Ch. wimani are tridactyle, and limb bones are as short and robust as those of Ch. anderssoni discovered from Baode. Facets Ⅱ and Ⅲ for calcaneus on the posterior face of astragalus of Ch. wimani are connected to each other or separated by a narrow groove. In the subfamily Acemtheriinae, limb bones of most genera and species are longer and slenderer than those of Chilotherium, such as Plesiaceratherium gracile , Alicornops simorrense , Aceratherium incisivum,Hoploaceratherium tetradactylum and Acerorhinus zernowi. Only limb bones of Acerorhinus palaeosinensis are close to those of Chilotherium.
Vertebrata Palasiatica
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (编号 :KZCX2 1 0 3)
全国优秀博士论文作者专项基金 (编号 :RJZ2 0 0 1 1 0 5 )
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (编号 :G2 0 0 0 0 7770 0 )资助