本文以童庆炳先生新著《中国古代文论的现代意义》解读中国古代文论十家为范例 ,通过他对孔于“乐而不淫 ,哀而不伤”说 ,庄子“虚静”说 ,刘勰“蓄愤”、“郁陶”说 ,李贽“童心”说等理论命题的探析 ,论述运用心理学原理与方法 ,是找到了对古代文论进行现代阐释的一把钥匙。古代文论是诗、歌、舞“三者本于心”的创作经验归纳与升华 ,找到了心理学这把钥匙 ,我们就可以进入古人的心灵深处探幽索隐 ,可以深入古代文论的堂奥 ,作出与现代人心理相通的科学阐释 ,从而逐步实现古代文论的现代转换。本文后半部分还对童先生关于古代文论研究学术策略的“历史优先”、“对话”、“自洽”三原则稍稍作了延伸展述 ,并呼吁当代中国学者应对本土的古代文论努力作出自己的阐释 ,不再仅是得益于西方的“李约瑟”们。
The article analyzes some theoretical propositions in Tong Qingbing's 'Modern Meanings of Ancient Chinese Literary Essays', and discusses the application of psychological principles and methods which is regarded as a key to modern interpretations of ancient Chinese literary essays. Such ancient essays were distillation drawn from artistic creation. With the help of psychology, we can explore our ancestors' innermost world, probe the mystery of their essays, and give scientific interpretations interlinked with present-day people's hearts, so as to gradually transform those ancient essays to their modern interpretations. The latter part of the article also comments on Mr Tong's three principles concerning the research of ancient Chinese literary essays, and calls upon contemporary Chinese scholars to give their own interpretations, not to benefit only from Westerners.
Dongjiang Journal